What is a rotator?

25 Places to Post Your Affiliate Links Free

What is a rotator?

It's one url that takes turns showing many of your sites. Instead of having to list numerous sites (that you belong to) on other advertising sites, you'll just list one.

What's a good rotator service?

TopDogsRotator currently has 13,064 members and 450,280,482 visits to sites

Their motto: "Top Dogs.. will make YOU a Top Dog".

Here's some of the features and benefits:

- List unlimited sites

- Your signups also show your sites - WITHOUT using your hit credits.

- Earn hits.. A LOT OF THEM

- This rotator is a powerful force to build your signups and traffic.

- Only YOUR ads show on your rotator

- Viralize your ads AND get micro ads <--- Amazing system in there!

- Hits sent to your rotator <--- Amazing system in there too!

- 21 year site owner - who pays and answers members.

- 100 % custom built site.

- Contest going on right now!

It's shockingly massive traffic.

Check it out and get the traffic that the top dogs get starting NOW...

Mark Miller 




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