Read comics for $30 an hour

Read comics for $30 an hour Do you remember reading comic books as a kid? Cheering for Batman fighting against the Joker, or for Wonder Woman knocking out some generic thugs? Those were the days! Well, a job’s just come up that allows you to relive your youth reading comics and earn an income for it! Here are the details… Job title: Earn extra dollars testing and reviewing comic book reading apps on your phone or tablet Job description: Did you ever like reading comic books? Do you still now? Then this is the job for you. We’re searching for someone from all countries to test and review comic book reading apps using your phone or tablet (both Android and IOS). Even if you’re only slightly interested in comics this could be a good job for you, as your main task is to test the functionality of the apps on your phone or tablet and write up a quick review of your experience. Pay: $30 an hour ($240 a day) Click here to see the full job spec now. Location:...